Our Services

Tree Removal

There are many tree conditions that may make removal necessary, including:

  • Dead, dying or damaged trees (trees may be damaged after a storm!)

  • Diseased trees (such as trees with decayed trunks or root rot)

  • Trees that are growing into foundations, A/C pads, septic tanks or drain fields

If the trees on your property fall into any of these categories, don't put your home or yourself at risk! Instead, let us assess the situation. We're also able to provide you with a safe and efficient plan for tree removal, including a free written estimate.

Tree Pruning & Trimming

Pruning techniques we provide as Services:

Specific types of pruning may be necessary to maintain a mature tree in a healthy, safe, and attractive condition.

  • Crown Cleaning is the removal of dead, dying, diseased, weakly attached, and low-vigor branches from the crown of a tree.

  • Crown Raise, removes the lower branches from a tree to provide clearance for buildings, vehicles, pedestrians, and vistas.

  • Crown Reduction, reduces the size of a tree, often for utility line clearance. Reducing a tree’s height or spread is best accomplished by pruning back the leaders and branch terminals to secondary branches that are large enough to assume the terminal roles (at least one-third the diameter of the cut stem). Compared to topping, reduction helps maintain the tree’s form and structural integrity. Topping on the other hand creates weaker Growth structures producing unnecessary future expenses, and undesirable dangerous outcomes in the future.

  • Crown thinning, reducing density of foliage at the crown periphery (The outside surface of the crown), thinning, is sometimes performed to increase wind or light penetration for aesthetic reasons and to promote interior foliage development. This is great for increasing the life of a tree. The best time for this service is late winter or early spring, this can vary between certain tree species).